Dr. Jason Ellen
Founding Pastor
Jason Ellen is the Founding Pastor of The Church at Wills Creek. Since it restarted in August of 2016, Wills Creek has become a beacon of hope and faith in the area. Pastor Jason has a deep passion for seeing lives transformed by the Gospel and the lost come to Christ.
When he's not preaching or selling Alfa Insurance, Jason is spending time with his wife Maria and their 4 kids.
When he's not preaching or selling Alfa Insurance, Jason is spending time with his wife Maria and their 4 kids.

Tom Brookshire
My name is Tom Brookshire, and I have been going to Wills Creek since the beginning of our church. I have been involved in the counseling program since 2007 and I believe that God has brought me along on my journey to do exactly what I am doing with the church. I love my Sunday school class and enjoy preparing lessons for them because of their interest in whatever it is we find ourselves studying. Currently, we are going through all of Paul’s letters in chronological order.

Elisa Alberghina
Children's Minister
My name is Elisa Alberghina and my husband Frank of 24 years and I have been blessed with 31/2 boys: Anthony(21), Angelo(17), Adriano (16), and Chris (22 who is currently living with us while he finishes his studies at JSU). We are originally from Sunny South Florida and have been living in Rainbow City for seven years and have been attending The Church at Wills Creek for two. I am a long-time homeschool mom and have been walking with the Lord almost all my life. I yearn to know more and more, every day. I love God's Word, my quiet time and I love spending time with my family and friends. I also enjoy learning, taking nature walks, finding a good deal, eating great foods, and I am always up to exploring new places and meeting new people!! I am honored to be partnering and serving the parents here at Wills Creek. My heart is that the children will love the Lord more than anything else and have a personal/daily relationship with Him. I Love my church and would love for everyone to join my team, especially if you have a desire to teach children and learn from them as well (there is much to be learned from them too), and if you are looking to have an amazing time -that’s what we do at WCKids!!
Please feel free to contact me!
Matthew 18:1-5
Please feel free to contact me!
Matthew 18:1-5

Ryan King
Worship & Creative Director
Most of you know me but some of you may not. My name is Ryan King, and I’m the Creative Director here at Wills Creek. What does that mean? In short, I oversee all things related to worship, Music, Audio/Visual, Production, Concerts, Communications and more. I’ve been in ministry for more than 20 years serving in both Alabama and South Florida. You mostly see me leading from acoustic guitar, but my main instrument is the piano. For almost 30 years, I’ve had the privilege of playing with some amazing Christian artists such as Big Daddy Weave, Paul Baloche, Don Moen, and more. In addition to serving here at Wills Creek, I also run an online music education company that teaches church musicians how to play today’s worship songs. My amazing wife, Chelley, and I were recently married, and we have incredible kids: Robin (21), Josiah (14), Annie (10), Harris (9), and Vivy (9). I love serving the Lord, His Church, and my Family; and I’m expecting Him to do something amazing in today’s service.
Ryan King
Ryan King

Andrew Warren
Assimilation Director
I’m Andrew Warren, the Assimilation Director, here at the Church at Wills Creek. My wife Krystal and I have 3 kids: Everett, Vivian, and Emory. We live in Rainbow City and have been members here since 2021. I love helping people get plugged in and welcoming members into the church. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, golfing, or reading. If I can ever be of assistance please let me know.
Ephesians 2:8
Andrew Warren
Ephesians 2:8
Andrew Warren

Steven and Christi Wilhelm
Technologies Director
Who am I? That my friends, is an interesting question to ask. I’m a Yankee by birth, born and raised in Wisconsin, but fear not for I am a true Southerner at heart. In 2000, I joined the Marine Corps where I spent the next 4 years in North Carolina, Japan, California, Iraq, and finally back to California. My 20s were an interesting time between God and me. Simply put, I hated God, the church, and anything they stood for. I went as far as to challenge God when I was in Iraq saying (SMITE ME OH SMITER). As God would have it, He had other plans for me. In 2006, I was working at a youth camp as the sound man when I felt God call to me to surrender my life back to Him. It took me two days before I confronted a friend and told him my story and how I felt God call me back to Him. On Dec 30, 2006, I did just that. One year later, I was married to my anchor and friend Christi Wilhelm. I wish I could say it’s been a smooth ride since then, but Jesus never promised us life with Him, and the Father would be easy. Two of those biggest heartbreaks came in the year 2015 when Christi and I went through a long adoption battle and lost. We were heartbroken and utterly devastated. In December of that year, Christi had two heart attacks and we found out that her heart was and will always only function at 25 to 30 percent. Even though we go through what seems to be unbelievable difficulties, one thing is always constant. God has His hand in all of it. From a heartbreaking loss, to a devastating reality of mortality, God is always there. In my life, God used the failed adoption to open my heart to kids and to show me our time as an influence in their lives is short. So be an influence for God. As for the situation with Christi, that has taught us both a great deal of patience with each other. Through all this, God has allowed me the opportunity to work here at Wills Creek, starting as the children’s / technology director, to being the full-time technologies director for Coosa Christian and the Church at Wills Creek.
Romans 5:3-5 ESV 3
Steven and Christi Wilhelm
Romans 5:3-5 ESV 3
Steven and Christi Wilhelm

Greg Williams
My name is Greg Williams. I am the husband of Muriel Williams and the father of Rebecca Reid(28), Jenny Snow (23), and Sarah Williams (9). I am also “The world's Greatest Papa” to my three grandkids Naomi, Abigail, and Lucy. By God’s grace, I have served in full-time ministry for the past 25+ years. I currently serve at Wills Creek as the administrator. I oversee the operations and finances of the church and its ministries. I have the privilege to come alongside our leadership and staff to help provide them with the resources and support they need to accomplish what God has called them to do. My family and I are blessed to be a part of what God is doing here and we look forward to seeing what the future holds for the church in the days ahead.
Romans 1:16
Romans 1:16