Alabama Hunger Ministry
In 2022, Wills Creek Food Pantry gave out 12,900 boxes of food and was able to help support 40 other ministries with over 1,800 boxes of food. This is done with the support of over 70 volunteers. If you need assistance from our Food Pantry, our hours are 9:00am - 12 noon every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Every household that comes for assistance receives a box of various items including meat, vegetables, fruit, snack foods, and bread. Social services information is provided for other needs, and individuals interested in Christian counseling may call Tom Brookshire at (256)438-7667. Prayer is also offered for all needs, as we want everyone to return home with more than just food.

"But my God shall supply all our needs according to
His riches and glory by Christ Jesus"
Phil 4:19